Hello All,
We are currently testing PMM2, it is working quiet well so far, however we experiencing some problems with one of our Nodes. We currently monitor a Galera Cluster of 5 Nodes, 4 are already in PMM2, 3 of this 4 nodes are working well, system metric, mysql metrics and slow query logs are collected/sent to the server well.
One node only sends its metrics but not the slow query log, after enabling debug mode, I’ve seen the following messages:
Jan 24 08:38:59 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] No need to reset: same file, old position 609104731, new file size 609104731. #033[37magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/641159FD-8C33-4778-9CCF-013EBE92D1A4 #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=slowlog/reader #033[37mfile#033[0m=/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log #033[37mtype#033[0m=qan_mysql_slowlog_agent
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Made 231 buckets out of 231 classes in 08:38:25+34 interval. Wait time: 34.389665111s. #033[37magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/641159FD-8C33-4778-9CCF-013EBE92D1A4 #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=agent-builtin #033[37mtype#033[0m=qan_mysql_slowlog_agent
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Scheduling next aggregation in 59.983990147s at 08:40:00. #033[37magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/641159FD-8C33-4778-9CCF-013EBE92D1A4 #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=agent-builtin #033[37mtype#033[0m=qan_mysql_slowlog_agent
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Sending 231 buckets. #033[36magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/641159FD-8C33-4778-9CCF-013EBE92D1A4 #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=agent-builtin #033[36mtype#033[0m=qan_mysql_slowlog_agent
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Sending message (461889 bytes):
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: id: 8
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: qan_collect: <
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: metrics_bucket: <
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: common: <
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=channel
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Closing with error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: field "agent.MetricsBucket.Common.Example" contains invalid UTF-8
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: failed to send message
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client/channel.(*Channel).send
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #011/tmp/go/src/github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client/channel/channel.go:183
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client/channel.(*Channel).SendRequest
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #011/tmp/go/src/github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client/channel/channel.go:156
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client.(*Client).processSupervisorRequests.func2
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #011/tmp/go/src/github.com/percona/pmm-agent/client/client.go:234
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: runtime.goexit
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #011/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1337 #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=channel
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[33mWARN#033[0m[date] Failed to send QanCollect request. #033[33mcomponent#033[0m=client
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Exiting receiver goroutine. #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=channel
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[37mDEBU#033[0m[date] Channel closed: failed to send message: rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: field "agent.MetricsBucket.Common.Example" contains invalid UTF-8. #033[37mcomponent#033[0m=client
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Connection closed. #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=client
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Process: context canceled. #033[36magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/9C263F77-FFF7-49A9-B9B8-07B868566795 #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=agent-process #033[36mtype#033[0m=mysqld_exporter
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Process: context canceled. #033[36magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/0F3F8677-ADAF-4FAF-989F-5FC230CBE29F #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=agent-process #033[36mtype#033[0m=node_exporter
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Context done with context canceled. Reader closed with <nil>. #033[36magentID#033[0m=/agent_id/641159FD-8C33-4778-9CCF-013EBE92D1A4 #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=agent-builtin #033[36mtype#033[0m=qan_mysql_slowlog_agent
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Stopped. #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=local-server/JSON
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Starting 0, restarting 0, and stopping 2 agent processes. #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=supervisor
Jan 24 08:39:00 node1 pmm-agent[2]: #033[36mINFO#033[0m[date] Done. #033[36mcomponent#033[0m=actions-runner
Based on the messages, it seems, the rpc agent used internally is not able to marshall the message containing the slow query log, because of a non UTF-8 Character, however I analysed the slow query log of all servers and all slow query logs contain non UTF-8 characters, so why is only this one node not working?
May a bug in the pmm-agent? I am not sure, please help.
Thanks in advance,