I have a mixed environment of MySql 5.x and 8.0.11 Instances.
The 5.x Instances are Enterprise and the 8.0.11 are Community.
I have no issues in monitoring the MySql 5.x with PMM.
The 8.0.11 instances do not gather all the data and the MySql Overview graphs are not populated (see attachment)
How do I investigate further and correct.
[baasp@lcormysqlp01 ~]$ sudo pmm-admin check-network –-no-emoji
PMM Network Status
Server Address | SERVERIP
Client Address | CLIENTIP
System Time
NTP Server (0.pool.ntp.org) | unable to get ntp time: %!s()
PMM Server | 2018-12-18 14:38:14 +0000 GMT
PMM Client | 2018-12-18 09:43:08 -0500 EST
PMM Client to PMM Server Time Drift | 294s
Time is out of sync. Please make sure the server time is correct to see the metrics. -
Connection: Client → Server
Consul API OK
Prometheus API OK
Query Analytics API OK
Connection duration | 1.350818ms
Request duration | -544.205µs
Full round trip | 806.613µs
- Connection: Client ← Server
linux:metrics linux_lcormysqlp01 CLIENTIP:42000 OK YES YES
mysql:metrics mysql_lcormysqlp01 CLIENTIP:42002 DOWN YES YES
When an endpoint is down it may indicate that the corresponding service is stopped (run ‘pmm-admin list’ to verify).
If it’s running, check out the logs /var/log/pmm-*.log
When all endpoints are down but ‘pmm-admin list’ shows they are up and no errors in the logs,
check the firewall settings whether this system allows incoming connections from server to address:port in question.
Also you can check the endpoint status by the URL: [url]http://SERVERIP/prometheus/targets[/url]
ENDPOINT STATUS - metrics-hr is the issue
mysql (50/72 up)
Endpoint State Labels Last Scrape Error
UP instance=“mysql_lcormysqlp01” 30.96s ago
DOWN instance=“mysql_lcormysqlp01” 139ms ago no token found
UP instance=“mysql_lcormysqlp01” 45ms ago