PMM DBaaS : kubernetes Cluster Status active but Operators are not supported


I installed PMM on Rancher kubernetes for use DBaaS. The UI seem work but when I tried to register my cluster Kubernetes after the provisionning the Kubernetes cluster status is in active but the operators installed (Percona Operator for MySQL 1.12.0 and Percona Operator for MongoDB 1.14.0) are tagged “Not Supported”, and I can’t create a DB Cluster ( in the Kubernetes Cluster list, i have this message : No clusters found with Installed Operators)

The operators run well in Rancher use use the following images:

  • percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.12.0
  • percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:1.14.0

Steps to Reproduce:

In Rancher, install PMM with helm chart :
helm show values percona/pmm > values.yaml
modify values.yaml to enable DBaaS:

helm install pmm -f values_pmm.yaml percona/pmm

Afterwards, in the PMM UI, I register my kubernetes cluster with my kubeconfig


[Insert the version number of the software]
PMM Server 2.39.0
Rancher :2.7.4

Thank you in advance for your time