Hello everyone. I could not find a topic with the same or with a similar subject, so I would like to start one.
I have a Percona Xtradb Cluster with 3 nodes. Data is replicated on each 3 of them, but my database is excpexted
to grow pretty fast.
Is there any way to use sharding with Percona Xtradb Cluster or any other proper solution for large database (of course, I would like to
be still able to user Percona Xtradb Cluster)?
Sharding wouldn’t be something that you’d solve with PXC or anything based on Galera. At least natively. You need to either build sharding logic into your application, or try shard-aware proxy applications like ScaleArc or Tesora. The only difference would be that each shard is actually a Percona cluster instead of a single instance of MySQL.
Thanks a lot for the suggested tools … I was expecting something like this, but I wanted to be sure… Thanks again