Has anyone begun testing 8.0.37 and have any updates on the MDL issue [PXC-4385] - Percona JIRA. Or stability or any other concerns with testing so far. We are just starting to upgrade are QA and Staging Clusters this week and MDL issue has been pretty serious for us.
We are continuing to perform testing, have not been to re-create the MDL issue on our smaller clusters, and have not yet found any new major problems yet. It would be really nice to get any feedback from any others who are testing the release in terms of any issues being seen and if it has resolved any of their other issues such as MDL, flow control etc. that were ticketed in the release notes.
8.0.37 does not seem to resolve the MDL conflict issues for us.
MySQL thread id 29627191, OS thread handle 0, query id 577252862 wsrep: applied write set
2024-11-25T21:29:43.022923Z 29636141 [Note] [MY-000000] [WSREP] MDL BF-BF conflict
request: (thd-tid:29636141 seqno:829211256 exec-mode:high priority, query-state:exec, conflict-state:executing)
cmd-code:3 61 query:BEGIN)
granted: (thd-tid:26 seqno:829211255 exec-mode:toi, query-state:exec, conflict-state:committed)
cmd-code:3 34 query:GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON database
TO ‘user’@‘%’)
2024-11-25T21:29:43.023761Z 29636141 [Note] [MY-000000] [WSREP] MDL ticket: type: exclusive, space: UNKNOWN, db: , name:
2024-11-25T21:29:43.024222Z 29636141 [ERROR] [MY-010119] [Server] Aborting
2024-11-25T21:29:43.024233Z 29636141 [Note] [MY-000000] [WSREP] Initiating SST cancellation