October 20, 2021 - Find release notes at Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.26-16 — Percona Server 8.0 Documentation
NVD - CVE-2021-3711 and NVD - CVE-2021-3712 have been published, and an upstream 8.0.27 has already been released to mitigate the attack.
Can you give me a timeframe when Percona will package their 8.0.27 release?
Hello, Dla! At this point, it is too early to tell, but 8.0.27 will be packaged no earlier than January 2021.
are there no longer updates for Debian 9 / Stretch?
Hello, Bitone!
Debian 9 went End Of Life in January of 2020. We do not provide software builds for platforms after they have gone to End Of Life.
But it’s LTS until end of June 2022. So I wonder a bit why it was dropped…
hi @bitone
Upstream dropped support of Debian 9. So we followed upstream and also dropped support for Debian 9.
Hi @Evgeniy_Patlan
Ok I understand, this makes sense… Bad for us