Percona-release using http

Hi there,

I’m working on a psmdb implementation and I noticed that the command sudo percona-release enable psmdb-50 release is searching for http// (port 80) instead of https:// (443)
For security reasons the access to port 80 is blocked in this environment.
Is there any way to force https instead?

I’m aware I can download the .rpm and install it, but I’d like to take advantage of the tool.


Hey @Adamo_Tonete
Thanks for reporting this.
We will fix this issue for the next release but currently on your system you can do the following:

sudo sed -i 's|http:|https:|g' /usr/bin/percona--release

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It is possible to do this without editing a package-maintained file, there is support for overriding certain variables via /etc/default/percona-release.

The best way is to do this before installing percona-release so that the release repos are set to use TLS as well.

cat <<EOS | sudo tee -a /etc/default/percona-release

If done afterwards then the prel and release repos that are created on install will need manual adjustment.
Something along the lines of the following should fix these:

find /etc/{apt/sources.list.d,yum.repos.d} -type f -exec grep -Fl '' {} \; 2>/dev/null | xargs sed -i 's^http://^https://^g'