Percona MongoDB with vault in ubuntu openssl error

Hi before few days I am able to generate vault.key and vault.crt by using below command
openssl req -config ssl.conf -x509 -days 3650 -batch -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout vault.key -out vault.crt

Now with same command I am getting error like this

I can able to generate key but getting error in crt.

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Hi @vijendra
Please check directory permissions. It seems like your user don’t have permissions to write in a directory.
Also there might be the file with the same name but with different permissions so you can’t overwrite it

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Hi @Evgeniy_Patlan

Still same as you can see permission also

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@vijendra As I can see the directory belongs to user root but you are trying to generate cert under your user.
Also the error says that there is no param in config file.

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Can you please let me know how to resolve the same.

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