Percona logical backup slower than mongodump


I have a MongoDB (community version) with size 484GB.
I try to test backup by percona and mongodump:

  • type: logical
  • compress: gzip
  • total time to backup: 19 hours
  • output size: 207GB
  • compress: gzip
  • total time to backup: 15 hours.
  • output size: 207 GB

How to optimize Logical Backup in Percona ?
Thank in advanced,

Hi @Truong_Ha ,
Thanks for asking and trying out PBM!
Can you share more details on your MongoDB setup? Is that a standalone server, shared, or replica set? What storage do you use underneath?

Hi Radoslaw,

I use standalone server. Storage is SAN.

OK. So, for the standalone, the backup’s performance should be comparable.

Disk performance might vary. Can you conduct the test again and provide disk performance over time (IOPS, latency, read/write speed)?

Ok, i will test again and report results,

Thank in advance,

Awesome! Looking forward!

In the meantime, my friend @Ivan_Groenewold has found out that mongodump by default exports four collections in parallel (, whereas PBM does 50% of CPU cores, so it works more reliably on smaller machines. If your host has only 4 CPU cores, then maybe this explains the longer time. You can also compare CPU utilization between those two tools.

Can Percona config or modify num parallel to backup ?

I tested again, but total backup time is still the same, about 18hours.

I also tried upgrading CPU, RAM from 8CPU, 8GB RAM to 16 CPU, 16GB RAM, but the logical backup time result is still the same, about 18hours.

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Thanks @Truong_Ha - We’ll try to improve performance in the next iteration we’ll be working on in September. When I have some more news, I’ll let you know.

Again, thanks for bringing this topic into our attention.