I am evaluating PBM as a backup solution to our Percona MongoDB replicaset clusters.
My PBM configuration is as follows:
enabled: true
oplogSpanMin: 0
compression: s2
type: s3
provider: aws
region: <aws-region>
bucket: <mongodb-backups-bucket>
prefix: king-crimson
access-key-id: '***'
secret-access-key: '***'
maxUploadParts: 10000
storageClass: STANDARD
insecureSkipTLSVerify: false
after enabling PITR and executing backups, I see that backups are not incremental, but full:
<user>@<my-replicaset>-03:~$ PBM_MONGODB_URI='mongodb://pbmuser:<pbm-user-password>@<my-replicaset>-01.<my-domain>:27017,<my-replicaset>-02.<my-domain>:27017,<my-replicaset>-03.<my-domain>:27017' pbm status
- <my-replicaset>/<my-replicaset>-03.<my-domain>:27017: pbm-agent v1.8.1 OK
- <my-replicaset>/<my-replicaset>-02.<my-domain>:27017: pbm-agent v1.8.1 OK
- <my-replicaset>/<my-replicaset>-01.<my-domain>:27017: pbm-agent v1.8.1 OK
PITR incremental backup:
Status [ON]
Currently running:
S3 <aws-region> s3://<mongodb-backups-bucket>/<my-replicaset>
2022-09-19T16:11:51Z 194.74GB <logical> [complete: 2022-09-19T17:56:49Z]
2022-09-19T14:21:04Z 194.75GB <logical> [complete: 2022-09-19T16:08:02Z]
2022-09-19T06:15:14Z 194.74GB <logical> [complete: 2022-09-19T08:06:18Z]
PITR chunks [12.64MB]:
2022-09-19T08:06:19Z - 2022-09-20T06:07:01Z
PBM’s documentation on backup types indicates that there is support for incremental backups. However, I don’t see options related to setting up incremental backups within pbm config
I have two questions in this context:
- How do i enable incremental backups?
- If I disable PITR, take a full backup, and then enable PITR, add some data, and then take a backup again, will that enable incremental backups?