No data in Query Analytics

I’m running PMM 1.5.3 in Docker.
Just after installation everything worked fine. But after a couple of hours, Query Analytics shows “There is no query data because the MySQL Server is not been configured for monitoring”.
On the client side I see the following errors:

2018/01/12 13:25:10.291158 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515691320066033553: read tcp> i/o timeout
2018/01/12 13:25:18.295135 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515691320066033553: read tcp> i/o timeout
2018/01/12 13:25:26.298139 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515691320066033553: read tcp> i/o timeout

Network betwen server and client is fine (1G LAN).
Mysql and Linux metrics work withoun any problem.
Mysql (PS 5.7) is configured according to instructions (with slow-query-log).
Log from settings tab in web UI is attached.


What does “pmm-admin check-network” ?

Looks like the agent is not able to connect to your PMM Server at

Network is OK. Linux and mysql metrics work.

pmm-admin check-network
PMM Network Status

Server Address |
Client Address |

  • System Time
    NTP Server ( | 2018-01-12 17:25:10 +0300 MSK
    PMM Server | 2018-01-12 14:25:10 +0000 GMT
    PMM Client | 2018-01-12 17:25:10 +0300 MSK
    PMM Server Time Drift | OK
    PMM Client Time Drift | OK
    PMM Client to PMM Server Time Drift | OK

  • Connection: Client → Server


Consul API OK
Prometheus API OK
Query Analytics API OK

Connection duration | 288.435µs
Request duration | 774.328µs
Full round trip | 1.062763ms

  • Connection: Client ← Server


linux:metrics block2 OK YES -
mysql:metrics block2 OK YES -

Hm. Interesting… still for some reason there is a timeout…

Can you run and post this command:

docker exec -it 7aa4a20d980b tail -100 /var/log/qan-api.log

Where “7aa4a20d980b” is container id from “docker ps”

Here’s the output (truncated to fit):

2018/01/12 14:33:56.290 0 11.817899887s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:34:04.293 0 8.043045867s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:34:12.297 0 6.573526094s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:34:36.688 0 9.461987074s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:34:44.753 0 15.008034951s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:34:52.824 0 17.987698174s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:34:59.290 0 12.129309638s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:35:07.293 0 8.822824516s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:35:15.295 0 6.935616177s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:35:39.687 0 9.980938148s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:35:47.750 0 12.086512495s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:35:55.815 0 15.330671879s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:36:02.290 0 11.758294001s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:36:10.293 0 8.076024197s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:36:18.296 0 6.505272012s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:36:42.687 0 9.551345834s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
WARN: query crashes sqlparser: SELECT hotel_id, small_url_fld, big_url_fld FROM hotel_tbl h, gallery_tbl g INNER JOIN ( SELECT gallerycategory_id, MIN(order_fld) AS minord FROM gallery_tbl GROUP BY gallerycategory_id ) go ON g.gallerycategory_id = go.gallerycategory_id AND g.order_fld = go.minord WHERE hotel_id IN(782) AND g.gallerycategory_id = h.gallerycategory_id
2018/01/12 14:36:50.750 0 11.816388156s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:36:58.813 0 15.16848304s WS /agents/0ccbcae3abbe41b84d3298ce98d92663/data
2018/01/12 14:37:05.290 0 11.408586132s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:37:13.293 0 8.180707767s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data
2018/01/12 14:37:21.298 0 6.584041635s WS /agents/f711ea63cb4c41cf4f6f45476b298bab/data


This surely does not look normal. It states normal but it might be breaking something… Did you say if you restart the docker you get new data to appear but when… no more ?

You say

I’m running PMM 1.5.3 in Docker.
Just after installation everything worked fine. But after a couple of hours, Query Analytics shows “There is no query data because the MySQL Server is not been configured for monitoring”.
On the client side I see the following errors:"

Do I understand correctly in couple of hours you do not have any data at all, even data which was there - ie if you go from 1 hour to 24h or so ?

Currenly I can see Query data only from starting period, a few hours just after pmm-server installation. Later I see no data. Restarting pmm-server or pmm-client doesn’t work.
I tried to reinstall pmm-client - still no luck.
It’s the same with 2 clients - one local (that I showed in logs), other is located in remote DC.
PMM-server is running on pretty ancient hardware (Athlon X2-6000 - 2 cores, 3Ghz, 6Gb RAM, 1 SATA HDD). Could be that a problem? This issue is the same for 1 or 2 active pmm-clients.

This is PMM dashboard:$__auto_interval&var-host=pmm-server
Pmm-server monitors block2 and bazalt MySQL servers.


I see you mentioned “Query Analytics” in the title, and I can see from the link you sent that both linux and mysql metrics are working. If you need to see data from queries, you need to have the mysql:queries exporter running, which you are not at the moment:

  • Connection: Client ← Server


linux:metrics block2 OK YES -
mysql:metrics block2 OK YES -

You need to issue:

shell> pmm-admin add mysql:queries

Make sure that long_query_time is set to something appropriate, too, because it may be set to 10 seconds (default), and only queries that take more than that will be logged.

I should also mention that it is probably a good idea for you to setup a user and password if it’s a public-facing deployment :slight_smile: For this, you will need to stop the current pmm-server container, remove it, and start a new one with additional options enabled. Check [url]Percona Monitoring and Management (SERVER_PASSWORD (Option) section).

shell> docker stop pmm-server && docker rm pmm-server
shell> docker run
[…other options here…]
-e SERVER_USER=jsmith
–restart always

Thank for reply!

Query analyzer is running on the client, here’s log pmm-mysql-queries-0.log:

2018/01/13 06:02:05.295661 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515807060016995269: read tcp> i/o timeout
2018/01/13 06:02:40.289482 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515807060016995269: read tcp> i/o timeout
2018/01/13 06:02:50.934798 WARNING data-sender Waiting for API to ack qan_1515807120021468869: read tcp> i/o timeout
2018/01/13 06:03:40.460082 WARNING data-sender Timeout sending data: 65.17s > 63s
2018/01/13 06:04:45.822864 WARNING data-sender Timeout sending data: 65.36s > 63s

It seems that pmm-server just can’t cope with load. At night I started to see some queries from low-loaded server. Production server (with 2-3 kQPS) has no queries. Changing metrics resolution to 3s doesn’t help.


Metrics Resolution only impacts Metrics not queries. What data source are you using for Queries - is it using Slow Query Log or Performance Schema. Does switching query source works ?

What MySQL version do you have and how is it configured ?

[url]Percona Monitoring and Management

How powerful is PMM Server you use ?

It is possible for some reason you have the query load which your PMM Server is not able to take in.

MySQL is PS 5.7.20-19, Ubuntu 16.04.

MySQL config is recomended by docs using Slow Query log:

PMM logs

log_output = file
slow_query_log = ON
long_query_time = 0
log_slow_rate_limit = 100
log_slow_rate_type = query
log_slow_verbosity = full
log_slow_admin_statements = ON
log_slow_slave_statements = ON
slow_query_log_always_write_time = 1
slow_query_log_use_global_control = all
innodb_monitor_enable = all

slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

PMM Server is the weak spot: Athlon X2 6000 (2 cores 3GHz), 6 Gb RAM, 1 SATA HDD. How to find bottleneck (can be CPU or HDD). As far as I see, PMM server generates about 80 IOPS on HDD, maybe that is the problem?
Is there some recommendations about PMM server hardware config?


Wow your server is indeed pretty slow one, especially HDD might be the problem. I have very low powered Intel Atom which is still able to handle few servers

You should go to System Overview and pick “pmm-server” as a host. This way you will be able to view resource usage.$__auto_interval&var-host=pmm-server

I would also recommend testing with some very low traffic MySQL server to see if you can get queries to show up.

Low traffic MySQL server works OK (mysql, linux and query metrics). With high-traffic server there’s no query data (no problems with mysql and linux metrics).
I attached load metrics from PMM server. At 19.10 I enabled stats from high traffic (in addition to low-traffc).
As far as I understand the bottleneck is HDD iops. Is threre some way to reduce iops by tuning PMM?

The best bet for you would be to change MySQL Server settings, which is likely the main cause of your disk IO
To do it:

Enter Docker Container:

docker exec -it pmm-server bash

vi /etc/my.cnf.d/00-pmm.cnf

Change innodb_buffer_pool_size=128M to amount of memory you would like to allocate to MySQL. Note it is not the only memory user is PMM. For 6GB you should set it to “1G” or so

Run “mysqladmin shutdown”

SupervisorD will automatically restart MySQL for you

We should make MySQL option settings better in the future


Thanks Peter!

I finally got it working!

First, I tried your advice - changed innodb_buffer_pool_size to 1G. But that didn’t work.
Then I noticed innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1. It was a root cause of 80 write IOPS. I changed it to innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 and now everything works like a charm.
I now that it breaks durability, but what data is collected in MySQL?

IO load graph attached.

Thanks for update. Yes that is another one. Now while it breaks durability you only will lose queries for 1 second or so… it is not a big deal.

We have confirmed that the SQL parser does not support sub queries, and logged;
PMM-1931 SQL Parser doesn’t support sub queries