MySQL Table Details Not showing


My PMM MySQL Table Details not showing

Steps to Reproduce:

Ive setup a number of ppm clients connecting to my docker deployed PMM server, sees below:

  1. yum install -y pmm2-client
  2. pmm-admin config --server-insecure-tls --server-url=https://admin:admin@172.x.x.x




  1. Admin Status:
Agent ID : /agent_id/c32f7d5a-cb2c-4401-bfe3-62072d1968ff
Node ID  : /node_id/e125deaa-04a5-4eb1-a3d4-1c98cf8ed4d5
Node name: ppm_host

PMM Server:
	URL    : https://172.x.x.x:443/
	Version: 2.41.0

PMM Client:
	Connected        : true
	Time drift       : 561.658µs
	Latency          : 763.362µs
	Connection uptime: 100
	pmm-admin version: 2.41.0
	pmm-agent version: 2.41.0
	/agent_id/3c49d6d1-af87-45ce-914d-fb2f29ed6e86 vmagent Running 42000
	/agent_id/9113b2ba-f081-408b-bb95-72e7dbb1dedf node_exporter Running 42001
  1. Create DB User on MySQL Instance (Percona 8.0.34)
SET PERSIST innodb_monitor_enable = ALL;
  1. pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmm --password=admin name --query-source=perfschema --disable-tablestats-limit=0

pmm-admin list
Service type        Service name                         Address and port        Service ID
MySQL                name          /service_id/54bf3655-f6bc-4611-8583-7e37a9ec1e59

Agent type                    Status           Metrics Mode        Agent ID                                              Service ID                                              Port
pmm_agent                     Connected                            /agent_id/54bf3655-f6bc-4611-8583-7e37a9ec1e59                                                                0
node_exporter                 Running          push                /agent_id/745537ed-3b88-4502-b2be-71510de6dd85                                                                42001
mysqld_exporter               Running          push                /agent_id/d141b953-1e02-4c71-8c99-b3687429f550        /service_id/54bf3655-f6bc-4611-8583-7e37a9ec1e59        42002
mysql_perfschema_agent        Running                              /agent_id/279dd54f-7339-4f4e-bcf5-10c405404a70        /service_id/54bf3655-f6bc-4611-8583-7e37a9ec1e59        0
vmagent                       Running          push                /agent_id/35a1975e-77de-4250-a6b5-116deb6af324                                                                42000

Expected Result:

for me to see MySQL Table data on PMM Dash

Actual Result:

The data existed before, we had to re-install the agents and the data disappeared on my dashboards.

Additional Information:


@LTjikana I looked through the mysqld_exporter code as best I could. I don’t think ‘0’ is a proper value and is disabling collection of stats. Please remove and re-add the agent and specify a large number, 10,000 or so and see if that works.

Hi @matthewb , no luck…

pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmm --password=P*** hostname --query-source=perfschema --disable-tablestats-limit=10000
MySQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/f54c4330-7191-4a75-a6a8-ff5da4c9945a
Service name: hostname

Table statistics collection enabled (the limit is 10000, the actual table count is 821).

Table stats still not showing…

I see you have Service Name: $_all, have you changed this to a specific server?

Hi Mathew,

Nope, same results… server stats do not come through even after changing the limit on 3 of my servers to test.

In that screenshot, you have “Service Name: --” which means you are not looking at any data. Please select a specific host.

There are no hosts that come through to that page… All my DB Nodes come through on all other pages/views with exception to the one we are troubleshooting.

Is there remedial action for this or does this page not work at all?

If you have more than 1,000 tables then Table Details is disabled.

Here in this document you can extend a limit if your tables are more and you need table statistics while adding a mysql service.

Hi Yunus,

Its worth noting that > 90% of my db estate has less than 1000 tables per instance.

I did that already on 3/165 nodes to test that theory and still nothing.

Hello @LTjikana
For the record, this feature absolutely does work, and this feature has been around in PMM for a long time.

PMM Demo - MySQL Table Details

It is hard to determine if the table stats queries are even running. What I would do is find a mysql server with very low load, and enable the general query log. Watch this log for for this query. If you never see this query within 1 hour, then there is a misconfiguration somewhere.

Feel free to run that query manually yourself and see if anything is generated. If nothing is returned when you execute it, then you have a misconfiguration with your MySQL server.

Hi, What’s confusing to me is that this information/dash was there a couple of weeks ago when I first installed PMM, So Im hesitant that there is a local DB config issue on all my instances since nothing has gone into any of my prod instances since then from a MySQL config pov…

What did change is that I had to re-install PMM on a separate, bigger mount point and as such lost all my agents and as such had to re-enroll them and ever since this page and the QAN page are wonky ever since.

Quick Question Re the perfschema_exporter, should the metrics_mode be empty?

pmm-admin list
Service type        Service name           Address and port        Service ID
MySQL               srv-r1-l-ig-03          /service_id/571e4f51-2583-4ce7-9525-ef435b9e3f9c

Agent type                    Status           Metrics Mode        Agent ID                                              Service ID                                              Port
pmm_agent                     Connected                            /agent_id/87b23baf-e704-42ec-a49f-e072cddcdb20                                                                0
node_exporter                 Running          push                /agent_id/7e8234bb-e2e0-4bba-82f6-dc740aac5d2f                                                                42000
mysqld_exporter               Running          push                /agent_id/cb47a7de-be84-4474-9900-239fbbfe23c0        /service_id/571e4f51-2583-4ce7-9525-ef435b9e3f9c        42002
mysql_perfschema_agent        Running                              /agent_id/4b5c9e6c-4b90-48e9-842e-661fffe13790        /service_id/571e4f51-2583-4ce7-9525-ef435b9e3f9c        0
vmagent                       Running          push                /agent_id/d4ab7394-f3ed-4ec6-8936-3981ff94ecb8                                                                42001