Cluster can’t transit to ready state after any change at .spec which lead to mysql StatefulSet rollout that can’t complete.
More about the problem
I deployed mysql async replication cluster with two replicas and without backups via default helm chart values. After cluster had reached ready state I turned on backups and rollout of mysql StatefulSet began from mysql-1 pod to mysql-0, but the last one stuck permanently with a problem at mysql container - “Startup probe failed” (Back-off restarting failed container)
Steps to reproduce
- deploy async replication cluster with 2 replicas and without backups section - backup.enabled: false
- wait for cluster ready state
- turn on backups - backup.enabled: true and fill this section with some meaningful values or you can just change mysql resources section - any action fits which lead to mysql StateFulSet rollout
- Kubernetes: 1.23.17
- Operator: percona/percona-server-mysql-operator:0.6.0
- Database: percona/percona-server:8.0.33-25
Anything else?
If I manually delete mysql statefulset it will fix the problem, at case of group replication there is no such a problem at all.