Percona operator fails on updateStrategy

I am following the official docs and (CRD and CR) to deploy the percona cluster on minikube with kubernetes version as 1.18
However I notice that when I apply my CR it fails with following error message in the operator logs:

create newStatefulSetNode: StatefulSet.apps \"minidatapool-pxc\" is invalid: spec.updateStrategy: Invalid value: apps.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{Type:\"SmartUpdate\", RollingUpdate:(*apps.RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy)(nil)}: must be 'RollingUpdate' or 'OnDelete'

And in my CR I am using

&nbsp; updateStrategy: SmartUpdate<br>

Any idea what me be wrong here?

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Hi @sjmittal
looks like the old version of Operator is used.
can you share full log of the Operator and full CR content

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