HI !
i create a MongoDB exporter like this link How To Monitor MongoDB with Grafana and Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean . But when I get metrics by curl http://localhost:9216/metrics |grep mongo. the returrn like that
HELP mongodb_exporter_build_info A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which mongodb_exporter was built.
TYPE mongodb_exporter_build_info gauge
mongodb_exporter_build_info{branch=“v0.7.1”,goversion=“go1.11.10”,revision=“3002738d50f689c8204f70f6cceb8150b98fa869”,version=“0.7.1”} 1
HELP mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_duration_seconds Duration of the last scrape of metrics from MongoDB.
TYPE mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_duration_seconds gauge
mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_duration_seconds 0.000588663
HELP mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_error Whether the last scrape of metrics from MongoDB resulted in an error (1 for error, 0 for success).
TYPE mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_error gauge
mongodb_exporter_last_scrape_error 1
HELP mongodb_exporter_scrape_errors_total Total number of times an error occurred scraping a MongoDB.
TYPE mongodb_exporter_scrape_errors_total counter
mongodb_exporter_scrape_errors_total 8
HELP mongodb_exporter_scrapes_total Total number of times MongoDB was scraped for metrics.
TYPE mongodb_exporter_scrapes_total counter
mongodb_exporter_scrapes_total 8
HELP mongodb_up Whether MongoDB is up.
TYPE mongodb_up gauge
mongodb_up 0
How I can export more metric