When I do
$ kubectl create namespace percona
$ helm install psmdb-operator percona/psmdb-operator --version 1.11.0 -f values.yaml --namespace percona
I get
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: Namespace "percona" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-name": must be set to "psmdb-operator"; annotation validation error: missing key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": must be set to "percona"
This is my values.yaml:
replicaCount: 3
repository: percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator
tag: 1.11.0
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
watchNamespace: "percona"
createCRD: true
What am I missing here? I think the helm charts might be a bit buggy.