Installing with official helm charts in dedicated namespace failing

I am doing this:

$ helm install percona-db percona/psmdb-db --version 1.11.0 -f values.yaml --namespace psmdb

I end up getting this only:

$ kubectl get all -n psmdb
NAME                                             SCHEDULE    SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
cronjob.batch/percona-db-psmdb-db-backup-daily   0 0 * * *   False     0        <none>          3m10s

I am using version 4.4.10-11. What is happening here?

This is my operator values.yaml:

watchNamespace: psmdb

These are the operator’s logs:

{"level":"error","ts":1647470276.925748,"logger":"controller-runtime.controller","msg":"Reconciler error","controller":"psmdb-controller","request":"psmdb/percona-db-psmdb-db","error":"reconcile StatefulSet for rs0: failed to get operator pod: Pod \"psmdb-operator-84d8d8dcd4-7h7vr\" not found","errorVerbose":"reconcile StatefulSet for rs0: failed to get operator pod: Pod \"psmdb-operator-84d8d8dcd4-7h7vr\" not found

Turns out we have documentation bug, it needs to be mentioned here: Install Percona Server for MongoDB using Helm that you do not support different namespaces. This doc bug did cost me many hours of time wasted without learning anything. Thanks!

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