Lots of entry in mongodb log file on the primary node of the config server

Percona MONGODB 6.0.6 , a sharded configuration

Hello, i’ve setup a test environment to test pbm restore ,
i see in the log of the PRIMARY node of the config server lot of messages like this
The only thing that changes is the timestamp, in fact i see one message each millisecond !

If i switch the master the event follows the master

This obviously fills up the logfile and causes load problems, has this happened to someone else

{“t”:{“$date”:“2023-08-11T15:30:17.517+02:00”},“s”:“I”, “c”:“SH_REFR”, “id”:4619901, “ctx”:“CatalogCache-40”,“msg”:“Refreshed cached collection”,“attr”:{“namespace”:“config.system.sessions”,“lookupSinceVersion”:“1|1024||64b7e7c73713bfd11731e717||Timestamp(1689774023, 8)”,“newVersion”:“{ chunkVersion: { t: Timestamp(1689774023, 8), e: ObjectId(‘64b7e7c73713bfd11731e717’), v: Timestamp(1, 1024) }, forcedRefreshSequenceNum: 1439, epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum: 8025728 }”,“timeInStore”:“{ chunkVersion: { t: Timestamp(1690469160, 12), e: ObjectId(‘64c2832816484be02af62c24’), v: Timestamp(1, 1024) }, forcedRefreshSequenceNum: 1439, epochDisambiguatingSequenceNum: 7924413 }”,“durationMillis”:1}}

PS on another node i see this:

{“t”:{“$date”:“2023-08-11T15:39:19.835+02:00”},“s”:“I”, “c”:“CONTROL”, “id”:20714, “ctx”:“LogicalSessionCacheRefresh”,“msg”:“Failed to refresh session cache, will try again at the next refresh interval”,“attr”:{“error”:“StaleConfig{ ns: "config.system.sessions", vReceived: { t: Timestamp(1689774023, 8), e: ObjectId(‘64b7e7c73713bfd11731e717’), v: Timestamp(1, 1024) }, vWanted: { t: Timestamp(1690469160, 12), e: ObjectId(‘64c2832816484be02af62c24’), v: Timestamp(1, 1024) }, shardId: "dev-mongo_data_rs1" }: Exceeded maximum number of 10 retries attempting SessionsCollectionConfigServer::_generateIndexesIfNeeded :: caused by :: got stale shardVersion response from shard dev-mongo_data_rs1 at host dev-mongoc-bep-sso-1.iol.sys:27019 :: caused by :: timestamp mismatch detected for config.system.sessions”}}