Looking for opinions/experiences on the best flavor of Linux for PostgreSQL

Looking to standardize on the most stable and performant flavor of Linux for enterprise level PostgreSQL. Currently running on CentOS 7 :face_vomiting: and looking for best upgrade options. Considering Ubuntu, RHEL, OEL or anything, really. Price is a consideration, of course.



Looking to standardize on the most stable and performant flavor of Linux for enterprise level PostgreSQL

Hmm, all major distributions of Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Armilinux, Redhat etc can be considered viable candidates replacing CentOS 7, That being said one must proceed asking other questions in order to determine.the best fit for your own environment and workflow.

  1. Do you need commercial support for the Linux OS?
  2. Do you need a contract offering such that the OS has guaranteed security patches and support?
  3. Are you more comfortable working with, RPM or DEB packages?
  4. Is your team more comfortable with with Redhat like OS’s or with Debian ones such as Ubuntu?

Performing upgrades have more to do with how you intend to carry out that operation vis-a-vis postgres than with the OS. For example logical replication is typically the safest when moving from CENTOS7 to a more modern version of Linux, because of the changes in locale when libc was updated.

Hope this helps.

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