I am trying to figure out the way fulltext search index works.
I have a table which have 5 columns.
3 columns have been added into full text search index.
Here is the same data of 2 rows and the data belonging to the full text index columns:
- Row 1
| mytable_caption
| MySQL is the greatest database server int he world!
| mytable_full_body
------------------------------------------------------------ —+| The MySQL database server is the world’s most popular open source database. Over six million installations use MySQL to power high-volume Web sites and other critical business systems - including industry-leaders like The Associated Press,Yahoo, NASA, Sabre Holdings and Suzuki. |
| mytable_title |
| MySQL Database Server |
Row 2
| PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially sui
ted for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. |
| mytable_full_body
±---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
| PHP is the greatest web developing language in the world. PHP can perform func
tions that PERL performs on the web. |
±---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
| mytable_title |
| PHP Hypertext Processer |
That ends the data in 2 rows for 3 columns.
Now I am using the below query to do a full text search.
SELECT mytable_id, mytable_title, mytable_caption, mytable_dts, MATCH(mytable_title, mytable_caption, mytable_full_body) AGAINST (‘$searchstring’) AS score FROM mytable WHERE MATCH(mytable_title, mytable_caption, mytable_full_body) AGAINST (‘$searchstring’) ORDER BY score DESC"
If $searchstring is mysql then my query returns with a score of
But if $searchstring is php then the score is 0.
I don’t see any big difference between the 2 rows. One is about php and the other is about mysql.
I was expecting the same score for both.
Could someone throw light on this?