Do we have LDAP integration or functionality in MySql operator, if not any plan to on-board this feature OR if tried with out of the box solution to integrate that.
Also as per document, it supports percona server for MySql so not sure would work with operator or not as its not documented any where?
Please help !!
Hi @cmg1986 welcome to the Percona forums!
Yes you can use LDAP authentication to the database PXC on our latest Operator 1.9
I recommend you follow the guide we maintain in the Percona Server for MySQL tree:
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Thanks @Michael_Coburn for replying.
But do we have same LDAP procedure for Percona MySql Server and Percona Kubernetes Operator as there is no specific LDAP documentation in Percona Kubernetes Operator at below location -
Also not seeing under release notes for 1.9 version -
Please confirm.
Chandra M.
Hi @cmg1986
I am assuming you want to use LDAP for authentication to the database server. If that’s the case, the process documented in Percona Server for MySQL also applies to Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) as well as for the PXC Operator.
Unfortunately the process is not documented multiple times in each product.
I have successfully deployed LDAP authentication using the 1.9 Operator - if you attempt and have issues, please report this as a new forum topic and tag me and I can help. Best of luck!
Thanks @Michael_Coburn for confirmation.
As we are using operator 1.8 version with some IPV6 customization then will try to upgrade to 1.9 and will see whether LDAP works.
But before that if you could please confirm whether Operator 1.9 supports IPV6 or not otherwise need to customize some resources again.
Hi @cmg1986
I asked internally at Percona from the Engineering team and the response is that we haven’t extensively tested IPv6 for the Operator. We would greatly appreciate hearing your feedback on whether it works, or where it is lacking. Thanks!
Thanks @Michael_Coburn
Will try both use cases with Operator 1.9 and would update you what works or not.
Hi @cmg1986
Your question touched off some discussion within Percona regarding our state of IPv6 support in PXC - so thank you for that!! 
We have recognized it isn’t working 100% - my recommendation is to continue with your testing, along with having a look at this ticket and follow it, contribute if possible to the conversation:
Thanks for being an active member of the Percona forums!!