If I wanted to connect to the DB from outside of kubernetes aka another machine, what would the best way to handle it be? Do outside users connect to the operator in order to make queries? I just followed Generic Kubernetes installation - Percona Operator for PostgreSQL and for step 6, i just connected to the database with the command below. Should I expose the kubernetes operator port for other users to connect to the database or should I use a load balancer like HAProxy? Thanks!
$ kubectl run -i --rm --tty pg-client --image=perconalab/percona-distribution-postgresql:13.2 --restart=Never -- bash -il
[postgres@pg-client /]$ PGPASSWORD='pguser_password' psql -h cluster1-pgbouncer -p 5432 -U pguser pgdb
Also is there documentation on the 4 containers in the operator pod? apiserver, operator, scheduler, event?