Kkk I’ll tell you a little about my replication problems … hope it helps …
I had a lot of timeout problem …
1 - systemd timeout in mysql start
2 - I discovered with the help of Rene that the next bottleneck was my firewall that was generating timeout when it got the processor in 100%, with that it knocked down all the connections.
3 - I closed a VPC with aws
4 - timeout settings within my.cnf (wsrep_provider_options = " gcs.max_packet_size=1048576; evs.send_window=512; evs.user_send_window=512; evs.inactive_timeout = PT90S; evs.suspect_timeout = PT30S; evs.install_timeout = PT60S; evs.keepalive_period = PT6S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 8 ")
5 - memory confguration problems in joiner server my.cnf
6 - to run without crashes I upgraded the insternet link from 10Mb to 50Mb.
I think that was all that … kkkk but solved my problems … today my bank of 80G takes 240 minutes to replicate everything, this nor generate any line of warning in the logs.