SST fails when trying to join cluster

I had a 3 node cluster set up running server version 5.7.31-34-57 on Ubuntu 18.04. This cluster is replicating from an existing MySQL DB. I tried to add a 4th node and was unable to get it to join the cluster as SST kept failing with nothing being transferred. I restarted one of the servers and when it restarted, it to was unable to rejoin the cluster and I have been unable to get anything to work.

I set up a cluster using the same process earlier in the year with none of these problems. The only difference this time round is that I am using slight different servers with a data disk, and the data dir is /data/var/lib/mysql instead of /var/lib/mysql

I have attached logging from the donor and joiner that seem relevant, but I cannot figure out what to do. I can see it says “No such file or directory” but have no clue what it is referring to. Please help!



joiner.txt (4.51 KB)

hi @Tom-sl

As I can see from the log provided:

Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role ‘joiner’ --address ‘[joiner ip]’ --datadir ‘/var/lib/mysql/’

But as you mentioned in your question the data dir is /data/var/lib/mysql instead of /var/lib/mysql

So you should modify your my.cnf file and set correct datadir