Is there any workaround to enable server-side encryption for azure blob storage


We have enabled logical backup on Percona operator for MongoDB and we are sending the backup files to Azure blob storage, we’ve chosen Azure blob because all our services are deployed on AKS, We have one requirement which is to make sure that the backup is encrypted, I’m opening this case due to I couldn’t find any details for how to enable server-side encryption for azure blob storage on Percona Operator MongoDB documentation. Please let me know If there is any workaround to tackle this issue.

Steps to Reproduce:

[Step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue, including any specific settings or configurations]


Kubernetes 1.30.0


[If applicable, include any relevant log files or error messages]

Expected Result:

[What the user expected to see or happen before the issue occurred]

Actual Result:

[What actually happened when the user encountered the issue]

Additional Information:

[Include any additional information that could be helpful to diagnose the issue, such as browser or device information]

@Mozuffer_Hago that is a good question.

I will check with the team where we are on that. I quickly checked and it is seems we don’t support it even in Percona Backup for MongoDB (which we use in the operator).

I would be curious to jump into a call with you to understand your use cases better and talk about the roadmap. Please feel free to schedule something here: Zoom Scheduler