Is there a better way to page data than using LIMIT ?


The subject says it all really. I am curious if, on relatively large tables, there is a better way to get ‘paged’ data than using the LIMIT function.

For example I have a comments table, it contains around 300k comments. The table structure is:

comment_id INT
item_ref INT
author_ref INT
date_created DATE_TIME
status ENUM(‘pending’,‘live’,‘deleted’)

The actual comment text is held in comment_body:

comment_ref INT
message TINYTEXT

And finally I’ve a comment_stats table:

comment_ref INT
total_views INT

I split the ‘total views’ out into a separate table because this table receives a large number of update requests, where-as the main comment and comment_body tables are heavily read, but rarely modified.

Keeping the comment text itself out of the main comment table kept the table fixed. comment_body is LEFT JOINed on the comment_id to comment_ref.

comment_id is my primary key (auto inc, unsigned)

In order to page through the comments, which are displayed based on date_created, I’m using LIMIT X,Y in order to show 50 comments per page. The ‘item_ref’ field is the link to the item being commented on, so for example some items may only have a couple of comments, while others will have thousands.

I program with PHP 5 (PDO extension) and I am having to run my query once with a COUNT(*) at the start in order to get back table totals, and then again with LIMIT at the end to get the block of rows that I want to display. Using explain shows that it is checking ALL comments matching item_ref, even though it only returns the 50 I require.

Is there a better way to do this? I’m perfectly happy to move my query into a stored procedure if it will help (and use a cursor to loop through the data?) but is the problem more intrinsic than that? Perhaps the solution isn’t MySQL based at all, maybe I should just be looking at caching say the first few pages worth of results for each item and not worry about the MySQL hit?

Eitherway I’d truly appreciate your advice.

Sorry, forgot to add we’re using MySQL 5.0.27

You can try using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
However you have to test it and see what performance you get and also be aware of :- [URL]MySQL Bugs: #18454: SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS should calculate rows during tmp table builds/filesorts

consider denormalising a little bit

You do an expensive count, just to see how many pages there are.
The paging isnt a performance problem, but the count potentially is.

But if instead, you were to store num_comments in the items table, you could just figure out how many pages there are based on that, and jump straight to the query with a LIMIT