I run a semi-high traffic website that we hope to grow significantly in the future. I use a MySQL database for two main purposes:
1.Store data about real estate listings from several remote databases.
2.Record each hit to each page, and some relevant information with it.
I am not too concerned about the listing tables. Each data source we get data from has its own MyISAM table, and there is a MERGE table that the PHP scripts look at when searching for listings and/or creating search results. Currently there are only about 1,600 rows in the MERGE table, but that could be as high as 7,000 in the next months as we add new data sources.
My concern is with the hit counter table. The site went live March 1st of this year, and already we are at about 12,000 rows. The table only has 6 columns plus an AUTO_INCREMENTing primary key and index. I am worried that eventually the hit counter table will become too large and cause problems. I have Google’ed around looking for some guide to MySQL’s safe limits and guidelines, but I have found no definitive answer for my situation. Each time a page is loaded, it inserts a new row into the hit counter table. That is all that the common user does to interact with it. However, I am also working on a PHP-based statistics program that will look at the entire table and give out statistics to me and a few other people involved in the operation of this site.
I guess my primary questions/worries are:
1.Will there be a point there there is just too much data for MySQL/PHP to handle?
2.Will there be a point when even just inserting into this massive table when a common user loads a page will cause long processing lags or strain on system resources?
3.Am I just being paranoid and underestimating how powerful MySQL really is? Before this site, the largest MySQL table I ever saw was 800 rows.
I thank anyone who can help for their input. Please feel free to respond to me via this forum, private message, or email to andrew{at}aregner{dot}com.