Is Percona xtraDB cluster charge for commercial users

Hi all, If I want to use Percona xtraDB cluster in my business project, do I need to pay for it to percona company? Or Percona xtraDB cluster is free?

Hello Peter, welcome to the Percona open source forum. Thank you for your question.

Percona XtraDB Cluster is entirely open source and free. We do not charge for ANY of our software. You are free to download, deploy it and use it in any commercial situation, on any server, supporting any number of users. Very many companies use our software successfully on that basis.

However, I also need to be clear about a few things:
[]As it is open source and free, that means it is provided to open source users on an “as is” basis. If you encounter bugs in your implementation, then there is no promise to fix such bugs that are found in any specified timescale. Lots of companies use the software on this basis, but you need to be sure that suits your organization’s needs.
]Likewise, if you have a new feature request, then there is no guarantee that such a request would be implemented. Of course, the software is open source, and you could make changes to it, but your own modifications would not be supported by Percona.
[*]We offer this open source forum for users to ask questions, and for other users to respond to, but again there is no promise to answer your questions if you have them. Our engineers try their best, but they also work on paid-for work and new software developments, which necessarily take priority over ‘open source forum’ questions.
[/LIST] If this does not suit you, Percona of course offer managed services and support services on a paid basis. Many commercial users of our software choose to engage with Percona on this basis, and they find that being able to access Percona’s technical expertise offers excellent value and peace of mind.

I hope this answers your question sufficiently, but please don’t hesitate to ask if you would like more information or would like to speak to someone about commercial services.

Once again, to be clear, all of Percona’s software is open source and free, including Percona XtraDB Cluster.

Hi Orraine, I got it, thanks very much

You’re welcome, Peter. Don’t hesitate to ask questions on the Forum if you have any, we try to get to them, and if we can make a positive suggestion that does not need in depth investigation of a particular instance then the posts are normally responded to within a few days. You’ll see there are plenty of answered questions. :slight_smile:

If you’re new to Percona, too, you might not be familiar with the database performance blog where we provide a lot of in depth information on “smaller topics” [URL]Database Performance Blog – Percona

We also have a lot of free-to-access pre-recorded webinars on a wide range of subjects that could be worth you checking out [URL][/URL] and there also some free-to-download eBooks (well, you have to exchange an email address but they are otherwise free).

For the earliest advice of upgrades to software and release notes, you’re advised to subscribe to the Percona blog mailing list.

Thanks for your interest in our software!

– Lorraine, Community Manager