Percona announces the release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6.35-26.20-3 on April 13, 2017. Binaries are available from the downloads section or our software repositories.
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6.35-26.20-3 is now the current release, based on the following:
[]Percona Server 5.6.35-81.0
[]Galera Replication library 3.20
[*]wsrep API version 26
All Percona software is open-source and free.
NOTE: Due to end of life, Percona will stop producing packages for the following distributions after July 31, 2017:
[]Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Tikanga)
[]Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
You are strongly advised to upgrade to latest stable versions if you want to continue using Percona software.
Fixed Bugs
[]Updated semantics for gcache page cleanup to trigger when either gcache.keep_pages_size or gcache.keep_pages_count exceeds the limit, instead of both at the same time.
[]Added support for passing the XtraBackup buffer pool size with the use-memory option under [xtrabackup] and the innodb_buffer_pool_size option under [mysqld] when the --use-memory option is not passed with the inno-apply-opts option under [sst].
[]Fixed gcache page cleanup not triggering when limits are exceeded.
[]PXC-782: Updated xtrabackup-v2 script to use the tmpdir option (if it is set under [sst], [xtrabackup] or [mysqld], in that order).
[]PXC-784: Fixed the pc.recovery procedure to abort if the gvwstate.dat file is empty or invalid, and fall back to normal joining process. For more information, see 1669333.
[]PXC-794: Updated the sockopt option to include a comma at the beginning if it is not set by the user.
[]PXC-797: Blocked wsrep_desync toggling while the node is paused to avoid halting the cluster when running FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. For more information, see 1370532.
[]Fixed several packaging and dependency issues.
Help us improve our software quality by reporting any bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system. As always, thanks for your continued support of Percona!