we have been trying to get XtraBackup to Minio (S3) with incremential to run.
With xbcloud or --stream=xbstream we always get the same Error
error: backup named backupname already exists!
Is this possible with xtrabackup 2.4 or does it only work with Swift as
that is the example in the documentation?
Thanks for any help!
@andrews2018 Make sure you are on at least xtrabackup 2.4.14. Also, the error seems very straightforward. Can you try picking a different name for the backup?
At the documentation we show:
xtrabackup --backup --stream=xbstream --extra-lsndir=/tmp --target-dir=/tmp | \
xbcloud put --storage=s3 \
--s3-endpoint='s3.amazonaws.com' \
--s3-access-key='YOUR-ACCESSKEYID' \
--s3-secret-key='YOUR-SECRETACCESSKEY' \
--parallel=10 \
${date -I}-full_backup
here, ${date -I}-full_backup is the backup name, which is treated as a PK for backups. Please choose a different name for each backup or append a timestamp to make it unique.