Incremental backup after tar'd full backup?


I am currently running nightly full backups with innobackupex using --stream=tar output, piping it through to openssl to encrypt using aes-256-cbc and redirecting output to backup-data.tar.encrypted

This has been working perfectly and after decrypting the backup, I can restore the database properly.

Now I want to implement incremental backups. I have managed to do this in a test environment without using tar stream or encryption, but I can’t figure out how to add it to this setup I have built.

Is there a way I can get the xtrabackup_checkpoints file out before the tar archive → openssl compression?

Is there a way I can get the lsn value out of this? (I’m happy to write a script which generates a checkpoints file containing the lsn.

Help would be appreciated please :slight_smile:

Software and versions
CentOS 5.4 x86_64
xtrabackup_55 version 1.6.4
InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup
Mysql 5.5

Unfortunately, streaming incrementals using tar isn’t documented. At ncremental_backups_innobackupex.html, there’s a heading for “Incremental Streaming Backups using xbstream and tar”, but only informaton on how to use xbstream. I 'd assume this is because streaming incrementals using tar is either not recommended or supported, or maybe it’s just an oversight and needs to be revised.