How to import OVA file into vSphere (VMWare)


I want to import the OVA Appliance, version 2.41.2, into my Virtual Infrastructure VMWare (vSphere 7.x).

But I have the following error message :
The provided manifest file is invalid: Invalid OVF checksum algorithm: SHA1 .

I need help

Hello @Olivier_Studer

Try using SHA256 because some old versions of vSphere don’t support SHA1.

You can convert the ova file with ovftool:

./ovftool --shaAlgorithm=SHA256 /path/pmm-server-2.41.0.ova /path/pmm-server-2.41.0_sha256.ova
Opening OVA source: /path/pmm-server-2.41.0.ova
The manifest validates
Opening OVA target: /path/pmm-server-2.41.0_sha256.ova
Writing OVA package: /path/pmm-server-2.41.0_sha256.ova
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully

You can change the SHA algorithm with this option between SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512:

--shaAlgorithm      : Select SHA digest algorithm when creating
                      OVF package. Supported values are SHA1,
                      SHA256 and SHA512. Default value is SHA256.


After convert the OVA with your command and with success, I’m not able to import the OVA into vSphere. The new error is:
Issues detected with selected template. Details: - -1:-1:VALUE_ILLEGAL: No supported hardware versions among [virtualbox-2.2]; supported: [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-10, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15, vmx-16, vmx-17, vmx-18, vmx-19].

I need more help