i have generated certs using openssl and copied to /srv/nginx folder of container but its not working
Can you pls let me know the exact commands to generate certs and paste in container.
Check out this JIRA: [PMM-1566] Add LetsEncrypt support to PMM Server - Percona JIRA
certbot certonly --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email --webroot -w /usr/share/pmm-server -d pmm-server.mycompany.com
when i try to use this command getting error as not authorised or some issue @matthewb
Can’t assist you without seeing your commands and the output.
Somehow i tried with Openssl and copied certs to /srv/nginx but still getting “NOT SECURE” @matthewb
That certificate is not a LetsEncrypt certificate. You simply replaced PMM’s self-signed cert with your own self-signed cert and your browser does not trust it.
@matthewb , I have created my own certs and my pmm-server web browser trusts it too, it says ‘connection is secure’ but the problem I am facing is when I register pmm-client with pmm-server I get
Failed to register pmm-agent on PMM Server: Post "https://XXXXX:443/v1/management/Node/Register": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.
whats the issue here?
You need to import your own certs into the servers list of acceptable certs. When pmm-client connects to your pmm-server, the client’s OS does not recognize the SSL.
okay , thank you for clarifying it.