I`m looking for information about tools to implement high availabily in PostgreSQL using 2 totally separeted servers.
Is Percona that sollution?
I`m looking for information about tools to implement high availabily in PostgreSQL using 2 totally separeted servers.
Is Percona that sollution?
The Percona distribution of PostgreSQL already comes with Patroni. Otherwise, I’d need a little more information when you ask to implement High Availability.
Are you trying to setup a 2 node replication cluster (master-slave)?
Hey @Robert_Bernier
I’m trying to setup postgresql geo-redundancy in non-shared architecture.Can you guide me on this?
Hi Suyash,
I’m trying to setup postgresql geo-redundancy in non-shared architecture.Can you guide me on this?
If there’s not too much detail involved probably I can help a bit.
Tell me a little about the system.
Hi Robert,
There are two single node kubernetes clusters on which i’m trying to setup postgresql geo-redundancy using patroni.
one of them will be primary and other will be standby.
my basic requirement is automatic Switchover on failure.
Since you are using K8s, I assume you are using the Percona Postgres K8s Operator?
yes, we are using percona postgres k8s operator.
Hi Suyash
Replication across Kubernetes clusters is possible through cascading replication. The setup process for setting this up for the Percona Operator for PostgreSQL is described at Deploy standby cluster based on streaming replication - Percona Operator for PostgreSQL
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