Helm uninstall not working

Dear @Slava_Sarzhan,

I completely messed things up. Because I couldn’t use helm uninstall I tried to do this:

But I didn’t find deploy/cr.yaml file so I run this from here:
kubectl delete -f crds.yaml
It was freeze at a point, so I restarted all nodes :frowning:

But now I get this message during the reinstall process:

root@kubernetes-master-ubuntu:~# helm install my-db percona/pxc-db
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: cannot re-use a name that is still in use

root@kubernetes-master-ubuntu:~# helm install my-db2 percona/pxc-db
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: create not allowed while custom resource definition is terminating

Is there any (manual) method with which I can remove everything related to percona(operator) from the k8s?

Thank you so much!