Hi guys!
I’m using PMM in version 2.39.0 and I need to perform some actions via the API.
Example of actions: create dashboard, control permissions on dashboards, create annotations on specific dashboards and other actions.
Using grafana natively, it is possible to perform these actions via api: HTTP API | Grafana documentation
PMM has an API with several very useful actions: Introduction but it does not have the options I mentioned above.
Is there any way to activate the Gratana API features in the PMM environment?
Thank you very much!
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Result:
I would like to manage the entire environment via api calls.
Actual Result:
With the options I found in the PMM api documentation, it was not possible to perform the actions.
Additional Information:
Thank you very much!
Hello @edicarlos,
I have no idea where you got that documentation link but it is VERY outdated; like years outdated 
Please look at our current documentation. API - Percona Monitoring and Management
@matthewb I found the same v1 link via google search and looking at your docs I was trying to find the grafana api but cant seem to get it… I have a simple bash script that backs up each dashboard on a regular basis and the normal is not getting me anything other than a nginx error where might the access to the grafana api exist or is it modified as it leverages grafanas api to not exist anymore?
for dashboard_uid in $(curl -k -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/search\?query\=\& | jq -r '.[] | select( .type | contains("db")) | .uid'); do
url=$(echo $HOST/api/dashboards/uid/$dashboard_uid | tr -d '\r')
dashboard_json=$(curl -k -sS -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $url)
dashboard_title=$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.dashboard | .title' | sed -r 's/[ \/]+/_/g')
dashboard_version=$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.dashboard | .version')
folder_title="$(echo $dashboard_json | jq -r '.meta | .folderTitle')"
echo "Creating: ${DIR}/${folder_title}/${dashboard_title}_v${dashboard_version}.json"
mkdir -p "${DIR}/${folder_title}"
echo ${dashboard_json} | jq -r {meta:.meta}+.dashboard > "${DIR}/${folder_title}/${dashboard_title}_v${dashboard_version}.json"
All of the grafana stuff in PMM is prefixed with /graph
, so you might want to try doing that.
In fact, I’ll confirm that because this is the code I’m using for an internal tool that renders graphs from grafana and I know 100% it works because I use this daily 
response = requests.get("{}/graph/api/dashboards/uid/{}".format(PMMSERVER, uid), headers = headers, verify = False)
Solved!!! I could not find it… Thank you 
Hi @matthewb
The link I reported is in the official PMM documentation.
On this page API - Percona Monitoring and Management there is the link in the CI/CD integration part: "To integrate your applications or CI/CD, you can use our online interactive documentation. "
I will test the API using /graph
to interact with the platform.
Thank you very much.
Hi @edicarlos,
Yea, my mistake. I discussed this with one the PMM leads. I saw the ‘v1.0’ and associated that with PMMv1, not “API Docs v1”.