Google Summer of Code 2025: Contribution guide


Before applying as a Percona contributor, check out these fun and helpful steps to make your proposal shine! :sparkles:

  1. :books: Familiarize yourself with Percona’s open-source software products.
  2. :bulb: Review the Google Summer of Code 2025: Project ideas
  3. :mag_right: Explore the technical documentation for your chosen project: Percona Documentation.
  4. :movie_camera: To get started and get some hands-on experience, learn from our Technical Videos and YouTube videos.
  5. :handshake: Engage with the community by providing your idea to solve the selected project. You can write it as a reply to this topic or start a new one in the respective project’s forum.


When submitting a proposal, make sure to include these key elements:

  1. :person_raising_hand: About You: Share your background, experience, education, and hobbies! Let us get to know you. :smiley:
  2. :pushpin: Project Background: What’s the current state of things, and what problems need solving?
  3. :art: Project Design & Description: A creative and detailed plan of what you’ll be working on.
  4. :rocket: Benefits to Users and Developers: How will your contribution make a difference?
  5. :package: Deliverables: What awesome things will you deliver by the end of the project?
  6. :date: Scheduling: A roadmap to success—timeline for your work and key milestones.
  7. :calendar: Other Commitments: Let us know about exams, part-time work, holidays, or anything else!
  8. :earth_africa: Community Engagement: Have you contributed before? Share your PRs, forum discussions, and other open-source activities! :tada:

We can’t wait to see your amazing proposals! :rocket::fire: