I have been searching for solutions to what I have been experiencing for months. Although there is nearly zero load on the server and no active domains, when only a few pages are requested, server slows down to death. I can even break it down by just using Apache’s abs.exe to simulate a few concurrent connections. In a matter of seconds after I start the benchmark with only 10 concurrent requests, I see the “server is having capacity issues” error on my browser.
When I check the Plesk health monitor, I see that MySQL is causing so much CPU load and using so much RAM. Sometimes even when the server is completely idle, I can still see that.
I decided to replace MySQL with Percona but literally nothing has changed. Even my Plesk instance was extremely slow because of this. I did all the updates I could do and used Percona configuration wizard but everything was still the same. After some months and after so many Plesk updates, now it seems my Plesk instance is working very well although I haven’t changed anything since then. But the bottleneck on my website is still there.
Now after a bit of more searching I gave the Percona configuration wizard another try and seems to have solved the CPU load issue to some extent. (It was going over %50 CPU before and now it’s %5-15 when idle; which I think is still high.) But it’s still using so much memory.
Here is my config file; [url]https://tools.percona.com/configuration/IFQanJBW[/url]
By the way I checked the previous cnf file and couldn’t see any difference that might have helped for CPU usage(!?)
Server config:
Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPU
40GB SSD disk space.
Centos 6.9
Plesk Onyx 17.5.3
SHOW PROCESSLIST usually shows nothing but the shell admin, which is actually running the “show processlist” command; as I said, there is zero load. From time to time I just see this;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Rows_sent | Rows_examined |
| 27 | admin | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist | 0 | 0 |
| 38 | b2c_db | localhost | b2c_db | Query | 1 | logging slow query | SELECT cscart_settings_sections.name, cscart_settings_sections.section_id, cscart_settings_sections. | 117 | 234 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
And here is the last portion of the slow query list which I think is consisting of not really very slow queries:
DELETE FROM cscart_access_restriction_block WHERE expires < 1520090991;
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 675
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000523 Lock_time: 0.000132 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 126 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 2018
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT * FROM cscart_bm_locations as l LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_locations_descriptions as d ON d.location_id = l.location_id AND d.lang_code = 'tr' WHERE l.layout_id = 6 AND l.is_default = 1 ORDER BY l.is_default desc;
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 675
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000479 Lock_time: 0.000243 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 13 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 117
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT payment_id FROM cscart_payments INNER JOIN cscart_ult_objects_sharing ON (cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_id = cscart_payments.payment_id AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_company_id = 1 AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_type = 'payments') WHERE template = 'views/orders/components/payments/cc_sanal_pos_modulleri.tpl';
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 672
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.011445 Lock_time: 0.000399 Rows_sent: 65 Rows_examined: 1099 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 36787
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT cscart_bm_snapping.grid_id as grid_id,cscart_bm_snapping.block_id as block_id,IFNULL(dynamic_object_content.content, default_content.content) as content,IFNULL(dynamic_object_content.object_id, default_content.object_id) AS object_id,IFNULL(dynamic_object_content.object_type, default_content.object_type) AS object_type,cscart_bm_block_statuses.object_ids as object_ids,cscart_bm_snapping.*,cscart_bm_blocks.*,cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.* FROM cscart_bm_snapping LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = cscart_bm_snapping.block_id LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_block_statuses ON cscart_bm_snapping.snapping_id = cscart_bm_block_statuses.snapping_id AND cscart_bm_block_statuses.object_type LIKE '' LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.block_id LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_content AS default_content ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = default_content.block_id AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code = default_content.lang_code AND default_content.snapping_id = 0 AND default_content.object_id = 0 AND default_content.object_type like '' LEFT JOIN cscart_bm_blocks_content AS dynamic_object_content ON cscart_bm_blocks.block_id = dynamic_object_content.block_id AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code = dynamic_object_content.lang_code AND dynamic_object_content.object_id = 0 AND dynamic_object_content.object_type like '' WHERE cscart_bm_snapping.grid_id IN (416, 417, 418, 422, 423, 424, 419, 420, 421, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 433, 434, 432, 863, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 452, 775, 823, 782, 785, 788, 861, 825, 819, 821, 834, 836, 839, 840, 842, 848, 850, 865, 858, 438, 453, 774, 824, 789, 804, 826, 818, 822, 835, 837, 841, 843, 849, 851, 881, 439, 882, 787, 820, 853, 440, 783, 436, 859, 790, 854, 773, 855, 816, 856, 838, 857, 827, 852, 845, 441, 448, 449, 450, 451) AND cscart_bm_blocks_descriptions.lang_code='tr' AND cscart_bm_blocks.company_id = 1 ORDER BY cscart_bm_snapping.order, cscart_bm_snapping.block_id;
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 676
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000292 Lock_time: 0.000118 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 7 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 195
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT a.item_id, b.reason FROM cscart_access_restriction as a LEFT JOIN cscart_access_restriction_reason_descriptions as b ON a.item_id = b.item_id AND a.type = b.type AND lang_code = 'tr' WHERE (ip_from <= 530270013 AND ip_to >= 530270013) AND a.type IN ('ips', 'ipr', 'ipb') AND status = 'A';
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 676
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000390 Lock_time: 0.000143 Rows_sent: 4 Rows_examined: 76 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 519
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT * FROM cscart_logos WHERE IF(layout_id = 0, 1, IF(layout_id = 6, 1, 0)) AND IF(style_id = '', 1, IF(style_id = 'Flame-Elmacik', 1, 0)) AND company_id = 1;
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 676
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000469 Lock_time: 0.000160 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 117 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 664
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT * FROM cscart_settings_sections WHERE name = 'seo' AND type = 'ADDON' AND (FIND_IN_SET('ROOT', cscart_settings_sections.edition_type) OR FIND_IN_SET('VENDOR', cscart_settings_sections.edition_type) OR FIND_IN_SET('ULT:ROOT', cscart_settings_sections.edition_type) OR FIND_IN_SET('ULT:VENDOR', cscart_settings_sections.edition_type));
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 677
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000419 Lock_time: 0.000208 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 3 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 467
SET timestamp=1520090991;
SELECT cscart_languages.* FROM cscart_languages INNER JOIN cscart_ult_objects_sharing ON (cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_id = cscart_languages.lang_id AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_company_id = 1 AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_type = 'languages') WHERE 1 AND cscart_languages.status = 'A';
# Time: 180303 18:29:52
# User@Host: b2c_db[b2c_db] @ localhost [] Id: 677
# Schema: b2c_db Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.000523 Lock_time: 0.000241 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 7 Rows_affected: 0
# Bytes_sent: 985
SET timestamp=1520090992;
SELECT a.*, b.description FROM cscart_currencies as a LEFT JOIN cscart_currency_descriptions as b ON a.currency_code = b.currency_code AND lang_code = 'tr' INNER JOIN cscart_ult_objects_sharing ON (cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_id = a.currency_id AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_company_id = 1 AND cscart_ult_objects_sharing.share_object_type = 'currencies') WHERE 1 AND status IN ('A', 'H') ORDER BY a.position;
So any opinions that may help is great.
Thanks in advance.