Exhausted retries while deleting; rolling back 0 rows


Please help foo below error during archival of table

Error :-

at /bin/pt-archiver line 5094.
Exhausted retries while deleting; rolling back 0 rows.
[root@DELGEMSPVDBPROD01 archival_job_logs]# screen -ls

Percona Script Using :-

pt-archiver --source h=localhost,u=archivaluser,p=‘Archiv@lu$er123’,D=BidCplusN,t=bid_notifications --where “bn_status IN (3,4) and bn_added < (NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY)” --no-check-charset --limit=5000 --commit-each --retries=10 --file ‘/db_archive/BIDPLUS231/2024-09-02-BidCplusN.bid_notifications’ 2>> /db_archive/BIDPLUS231/archival_job_logs/arch_bid4.err

Sumit Kumar

Hi @SumitKumar,
Please repeat your pt-archiver with PTDEBUG=1 in front of the command so you can see where it is failing.

And try with the latest version of percona toolkit (at this time is 3.6.0).
If the error happens again please clarify which version you are using because line 5094 will be a different line depending on the version