Execute remote Backup, pmm-agent installed on a Kubernetes POD

Hi guys, today I have an On Premise structure, using Kubernetes.

I have Percona XTradb Cluster 8 installed in a pod (Docker Runtime) and I have PMM Agent installed in another pod.

I first tried to run the Backup using a remote service, but I got the following message:

“software “mysqld” is not installed: incompatible service percona”

I followed the documentation from beginning to end but without success.

We also tried a second approach, which is using PMM-Agent installed in the POD, but the backups execute with error and we can’t move forward.

My questions are

  1. Does XTradb Cluster work configured in Kubernetes pods, using a DOCKER image?

  2. If item 1) is possible, where are we going wrong in the configurations?

For the sake of information, both the Agent and the Service were able to register normally in PMM

How come you did not use our Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator? This operator is designed specifically for managing PXC in a K8S environment. It will handle backups, recovery, scaling nodes, proxysql/haproxy, etc.

Can you provide the documentation link you followed?