Today when I tried to insert data in a table i received the error that ‘table is full’. On SHOW TABLE STATUS, I noticed the size of table is grown to 4GB (rows 5359211).
mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ‘messages’ \G*************************** 1. row *************************** Name: messages Engine: MyISAM Version: 9 Row_format: Dynamic Rows: 5359211 Avg_row_length: 801 Data_length: 4294967288Max_data_length: 4294967295 Index_length: 45783040 Data_free: 0 Auto_increment: 5406252 Create_time: 2007-04-20 18:26:38 Update_time: 2007-08-22 09:55:22 Check_time: NULL Collation: latin1_swedish_ci Checksum: NULL Create_options: Comment:1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Here is the table structure.
( id
int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, subject
varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’, message
text NOT NULL, attachment_path
varchar(255) default NULL, new
tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (id
On searching I found the this link.
[URL=“http://MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: B.3.2.10 The table is full”][/URL]
According to manual i executed the following query
ALTER TABLE messages MAX_ROWS=20000000000;
I skipped AVG_ROW_LENGTH from the query, I was confused what should be the value for this.
After executing the query, when i check the table status it displayed totally different picture. Now there were only 170109 rows left.
mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ‘messages’ \G*************************** 1. row *************************** Name: messages Engine: MyISAM Version: 9 Row_format: Dynamic Rows: 170109 Avg_row_length: 649 Data_length: 110563036Max_data_length: 281474976710655 Index_length: 1961984 Data_free: 0 Auto_increment: 5409214 Create_time: 2007-08-23 10:07:08 Update_time: 2007-08-23 13:41:57 Check_time: NULL Collation: latin1_swedish_ci Checksum: NULL Create_options: max_rows=4294967295 Comment:1 row in set (0.00 sec)
What could be the reason of this rows deletion?
I am on 32 bit system.
MySQL version: 4.1.18-standard-log
Operating System : CentOS 3.x
Memory: 4 GB DDR