Number of rows drastically increased of upgrade to Percona MySQL 8.0.34


Recently I have upgraded one of the replica to new version Percona MySQL 8.0.34 , after that I have modified tables CHARSET and collation as well.

For many tables the number of rows have increased after altering table to change charset and collation.

While I understand pt-table-sync and pt-table-checksum are helpful , I am trying to understand potential cause

and what would better approach to check what are the differences.

Hello @virin_t. That’s impossible. Rows are not magically created when you change character sets, or collations. Did you perhaps mean row size? or table size on disk?

Please show some evidence using COUNT(*) of the table before changing character set and after changing.

Hi @matthewb

I understand, I was kind of surprised as well. I understand that there might difference of table size (as we are changing charset) and other possible reasons, but I am telling about number of rows only

below is one of the examples

orders_quotes_data | utf8mb3_general_ci | 211.61 | 40751651 |

| Table | Size in GB | Total Rows |
| orders_quotes_data | 292.54 | 62290700 |

I remember doing pt-online schema change for the above table to alter charset

Could you please use COUNT(*)? There is no way that changing the character set added 22 million rows.

Hmm. Ok. There’s a possibility here that some rows could have been duplicated due to the triggers that pt-osc uses to keep the shadow table and original table in sync. Can you provide the full command used? Can you provide the CREATE TABLE for this table?

Hi @matthewb

here is the command that was used

pt-online-schema-change \
  --alter="CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci" \
  --max-load threads_running=500 \
  --max-lag=30 \
  --set-vars lock_wait_timeout=1,foreign_key_checks=0,sql_log_bin=0 \
  --no-check-replication-filters \
  --no-drop-old-table \
  --execute \
  h=XXXXX,D=XXXXXXXX,t=orders_quotes_data 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/orders_quotes_data_pt-osc_dryrun.log

show create table after charset update

  CREATE TABLE `orders_quotes_data` (
  `id` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `one_id` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `is_persisted` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `xxx` mediumblob,
  `info` blob,
  PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)

Hi virin_t!

The correct way to check the amount of rows is to do a “select count(*)” (do note that this will trigger a full table scan and cause very high disk read activity. Execute outside business hours).

The above outputs you showed look like from “information_schema” (IS). IS will only show estimate information and might have outdated information. Rebuilding the table might have refreshed the metadata and thus showing a different result/size.

If both count(*) and pt-table-checksum shows the correct amount of rows in both primary and replica then the most likely explanation is that the metadata from the table was outdated. Else let us know


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