Error Running pmm-client

Have configured pmm server and also pmm-client in kubernetes environment. when trying to run pmm-client after running pmm-server getting the following error.

ERRO[2022-06-06T03:03:21.598+00:00] failed to query events_statements_history: dial tcp XX.X.X.X:33062: connect: connection refused  agentID=/agent_id/XX-.. component=agent-builtin type=qan_mysql_perfschema_agent
INFO[2022-06-06T03:03:22.437+00:00] time="2022-06-06T03:03:22Z" level=error msg="Error pinging mysqld: dial tcp XX.X.X.X:33062: connect: connection refused" source="exporter.go:88"  agentID=/agent_id/XX-.. component=agent-process type=mysqld_exporter
INFO[2022-06-06T03:03:23.321+00:00] time="2022-06-06T03:03:23Z" level=error msg="Error pinging mysqld: dial tcp XX.X.0.X:3306: connect: connection refused" source="exporter.go:88"  agentID=/agent_id/XX-.. component=agent-process type=mysqld_exporter

and so the pmm-client container in pxc pod is getting crashloopbackoff

The error message is quite explicit as to the issue. Please read the error message and see if you can figure out why it isn’t working. Some basic networking troubleshooting will help as well.


So what is the solution of this issue?
I have one of the pods ready and working, two others - dont whats wrong?
Really can`t get it

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