error 9006 - connection is locked to hostgroup 11 trying to reach hostgroup 10

I’m discovering percona xtra db cluster and i just installed it on my kubernetes cluster, Everithing seems to be installed right but i try to install a phpmyadmin client to access the database through an UI but when i connect i received that message error 9006 - ProxySQL Error: connection is locked to hostgroup 11 but trying to reach hostgroup 10. I look at the proxysql version and it is 2.0.6. Do someone already have this issue. How to correct it?

I had this exact issue yesterday when using MySQL workbench - when establishing a connection, it was trying to set the character set on the connection with “SET CHARACTER SET utf8” and proxysql didn’t know what to do with it. I added a rule to simply replace that statement with “DO 0”. If you check the proxysql log, it should give you an idea as to what statement is causing the issue.

Thanks for contributing tom-sl - appreciated :slight_smile: