I am specifically interested in enabling the tablestats for Aurora MySQL RDS. But is this feature just for the regular MySQL only?
Hello @brianestrada658,
This is a feature of PMM and should work on any flavor of MySQL, Aurora included. You can enable Tablestats when you add the instance to PMM. See screenshot.
Oh! I didn’t noticed that. It would have been if that was enabled by default. Quick question, so I have started monitoring an RDS instance for over a month already and I want to enable the Table statistics. Is there a way to do it without destroying the node and letting PMM re-discover the node? My fear is that PMM will wipe out the data that it already had for this node which would be a waste.
Hello @brianestrada658,
I was told by one of our senior PMM engineers that you can remove it and re-add and you won’t lose the data. Just make sure you have all the settings the same, especially ‘Service Name’ as that’s how the data is stored internally.
Thank you!! Would love it if this was documented somewhere.