I`ve found only one documentation
http://form.percona.com/Percona_XtraDB_Cluster_1_0_Operation _Manual.html
But I have not found
description of all possible server options (new, relative to the classical version)
describe the monitoring, administration of the cluster itself.
As an example: how to learn on the node his condition …
Percona XtraDB Cluster is based on Galera replication library.
You can find information about related configuration parameters here: [URL]http://www.codership.com/wiki/doku.php?id=reference[/URL]
is their a documentation on setting up a cluster on ubuntu 10.04 LTS? i am trying to follow the document ( http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtradb-cluster/howtos/3no desec2.html) but it is not details enough…in terms of how to upgrade in place? or upgrade from mysql 5.1…etc