Command Not Found on new CentOS install

We recently installed CentOS 6.5 (minimum install) on a new VM. The only purpose of this machine is to run backups of a remote MySQL server.

After installing the OS, we installed Xtrabackup following the instructions in the Percona 2.2 Documentation. We did the Automatic Installation on the bottom of page 8.
We confirmed that the installation was successful by running “yum list | grep percona”

Next we rebooted the server

So now we have a new CentOS installation with Percona Xtrabackup installed.

When I type innobackupex or xtrabackup I get the following error message:

command not found

Any ideas what is wrong?

I ran into exact same issue & looking for a solution as we speak…

Now, I have more concerns about this product. I am evaluating Precona tools to see if if this is something we would like to use for our production system, but, looking at the this thread which was posted on 8-5-14, yet, nobody from Percona has responded… And nobody from the user community has responded either. This is not the type of support I would want to relay on running these type of utilities on my production - I am very concerned…

Furthermore, I was browsing this Forum, I came across some major concerns that were raised by some users: exp: [ innobackupex ] locking all databases which you can see at: [url][/url]
and I am seeing other complaining about database crash due to [ innobackupex ] which you can see at: [url][/url]

So, what is Precona Support have to say about these grave concerns ? Is this product stable enough to be considered to run in our critical Prod system ?
