clusterServiceDNSMode nok (non sharding setup)


Managed to upgrade to 1.15, when trying to apply cr.yaml with

  enabled: true
  exposeType: NodePort
  clusterServiceDNSMode: External

I get the the following error

kubectl -n abc apply -f cr.yaml --dry-run=server

Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating “cr.yaml”: PerconaServerMongoDB in version “v1” cannot be handled as a PerconaServerMongoDB: strict decoding error: unknown field “spec.replsets[0].expose.clusterServiceDNSMode”

Funny thing is if I run

kubectl -n abc apply -f cr.yaml --dry-run=server –validate=false

it works ?!

→ But I would really like to know how to apply correctly.

@jamoser clusterServiceDNSMode should be under spec, not expose section. (see in the doc)

I just believe that starting 1.15 our validation rules became stricter. Skipping validation will have this field added, but it will not have any effect.