Using the image percona/percona-server-mongodb:4.2, I am attempting to enable clusterAuthMode: x509 on a replicaset. I have followed the instructions here, making sure my certificates conform to the requirements. Each member is failing to connect to the other two members. Looking through the logs, I’m seeing entries like this:
authenticate db: $external { authenticate: 1, mechanism: "MONGODB-X509", user: "CN=mongod1", $db: "$external" }
2020-09-11T19:15:50.644+0000 I ACCESS [conn10] Failed to authenticate CN=mongod1@$external from client with mechanism MONGODB-X509: UserNotFound: Could not find user "CN=mongod1" for db "$external"
This would suggest that a user with the same name as each connecting member’s CN is expected; I’ve scoured the mongodb documentation and though there is documentation talking about the need for clients to authenticate with an existing user, I see no indication that such a user is needed for internal/membership authentication, which db they should be created on with what privileges, etc.
Is such a user necessary for each member when using x509 auth mode (if so, please point me to the documentation I’ve apparently overlooked!), or is there perhaps something else I’m missing here?
Any help appreciated!
Here is my conf file: (edit: anyone know of a better way to display my conf file? when i wrapped it in code, it put it all in one line…)
net: port: 17017 bindIpAll: true tls: mode: requireTLS CAFile: /certs/myCA.pem certificateKeyFile: /certs/myCert.pemreplication: oplogSizeMB: 4096 replSetName: set1 enableMajorityReadConcern: falsesetParameter: enableLocalhostAuthBypass: trueprocessManagement: fork: "false"storage: dbPath: /data/db engine: wiredTiger journal: enabled: true wiredTiger: collectionConfig: blockCompressor: snappy engineConfig: directoryForIndexes: true cacheSizeGB: 20security: enableEncryption: true encryptionKeyFile: /etc/mongodb.keyfile authorization: enabled clusterAuthMode: x509