Changing IP of nodes in XtraDB cluster

Hi All,
We need to change the IP/subnet of all nodes (Count - 3) in XtraDB cluster which are accessed through proxySQL, Can someone please suggest what is the best process of changing IPs of complete XtraDB cluster without breaking the cluster and what changes are required to be done on proxySQL.

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You will need to restart each PXC node to change the IP address due to wsrep_node_address setting. Edit your my.cnf and change this parameter to the new IP and change any other listening-related settings. Check the wsrep_cluster_address parameter as well. Restart this node. Wait for it to join the cluster. Modify ProxySQL by UPDATEing the mysql_servers table and LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME; Test that connections to the new IP node work. Repeat for node2, then node3.

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